Program Description
Event Details
For children entering Kindergarten in the fall 2025.
Registration begins May 15 for 4 levelled packets to get your pre-schooler ready for Kindergarten. Register once for all 4 packets. You can register online or by stopping at the children and teens services desk.
Pickup days are as follows:
Level 1: June 2-june 12
Level 2-June 16-June 27
Level 3-July 1-July 11
Level 4-July 15-July 24
If you cannot pickup your packets during the designated time, but would still like a packet, you must call us at 412-366-8100 extension 123 to hold your packet. Any packets NOT picked up within their timeframe will be given to the next person on the waiting list. This will cause you to forfeit your registration for any future packets.